Jianlou Si (四建楼)

I am currently a Senior Manager of R&D at SenseTime, working closely with Ziwei Liu and Chen Qian. Before that, I finished a two-year joint post-doc of SenseTime and CASIA supervised by Prof. Liang Wang, from 2019 to 2021.
I received my Ph.D. degree from the School of Information and Communication Engineering in BUPT, advised by Prof. Honggang Zhang and Chun-guang Li, in 2018. I am also very hornored to be jointly supervised by Prof. Gang Wang when visiting the NTU ROSE-Lab from 2016 to 2017, at Singapore. In 2012, I received my bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications from JiLin University.
My research interests include fundamental algorithms and application technologies in computer vision, computer graphics and machine learning. Leveraging these tools, we have delivered several industrail AI products focused on Human Perception and Editting. Moving forward, amidst the technological trends of large models, I will continue to delve into more universal multi-modal perception, generation, and interaction technologies.
Jul 15, 2024 | There is no news! |
Selected Publications
- Dual Attention Matching Network for Context-Aware Feature Sequence Based Person Re-IdentificationIn CVPR, Jun 2018